The measurable results of the environmental management system are achieved trough monitoring of company’s environmental aspects, based on its environmental policy as well as target and key environmental indicators.
Methods for evaluating global environmental efficiency
All the assets of Metrika Investments undergo mandatory certification under environmental and energy standards, and this relates not only to projects under development. When acquiring buildings, we reconstruct and rework buildings in order to bring them to those standards.
The BREEAM is a globally recognised sustainability assessment method for buildings. BREEAM certification based on this method assumes that a project is evaluated using several criteria such as occupant safety, environmental impact and comfort. A rating assigned by BREEAM means that the building offers a high quality environment for people working there, helps protect natural resources, is environmentally efficient and investment attractive.
LEED system
The LEED system sets leadership standards in energy-efficient and environmental design and is the most widely used method for evaluating green construction globally. The system determines the principles for creating healthy, high-performance and cost-efficient green buildings, while the LEED credits confirm that the project corresponds to sustainability principles.